Brian's Story

Caregivers Program Participant
Federal Government Employee

29 September 2022
For Brian, a breast cancer diagnosis for his wife, meant many new roles and responsibilities to juggle. For many in this situation it is difficult to comprehend the obstacles and challenges ahead and Brian recalls “I don’t think I had fully comprehended the complexity of it all and the toll it takes, when a loved one is diagnosed”. 

Thankfully the day after the doctors appointment, Brian’s work announced their partnership with CancerAid, offering employees both the Coach and Caregivers programs. 

Many people had told Brian that support for the caregiver was just as important as the person diagnosed with cancer. Through participation in the CancerAid Caregivers Program, Brian gained access to a dedicated digital health coach, weekly modules and an app with other helpful resources. 
“What I learnt through the Program is that what I was experiencing and how I was feeling as a caregiver was common. My coach Linda provided me with really practical, honest advice and great resources that were relevant to me, both personally and professionally. The communication was clear and each week I was sent an email with a new module.”
“The program flows through all aspects of your life. At work, it’s allowed me to be able to talk more openly about my situation and my communication has improved when asking for help. I’m also more comfortable with my emotions when understanding the why and have the support there if needed.”